Susanti Tindaon1
Faculty State University of
Abstract. The purpose of this research is to
enhance the student’s learning activity and study result by applying the Implementation
of Learning Cycle Model in subject
material “preparing the financial statements of service
The kind of this research is
classroom action research. The subject of this research is 3rd
Social Science Grade 11th with 32 students. The object research is
the Learning Cycle Model. The
research instrument is the test namely the objective test and observation
sheet. Based on the result, gained the average of study result in pretest with the average value is 48.41. Whereas in first posttest
by applying the Learning cycle Model
had enhanced 17.79 being 66.2. In the second cycle have enhanced 14 or 21.1% to
the average value being 80.2. And based on the learning activity have enhanced from 0 (0%) people in very good learning activity category, 8
people (25%) are good category, 17 people (53.1%) are good enough category, and
7 people (21.9%) enhanced being 10 people (31.3%) in very good activity
category, 17 people (53.1%) in good category, 5 people (15.6%) in good enough category,
0 people (0 %) in not good category the first to second cycle.
To try the
significance of learning activity and study result in first and second cycle,
it is used t-test, and the calculation gained tcount = 3.09. The
calculation ttable = 2.00. By comparing the tcount and ttable
it is gained tcount > ttable namely 3.09 > 2.00.
Thus, the study result of accounting subject in the first post test at first
cycle and second post test in second cycle is significance. The calculation ttable
for learning activity is 5.09. The calculation ttable = 2.00. By
comparing the tcount and ttable it is gained that tcount > ttable
namely 5.09 > 2.00. So that the learning activity in first post test
at first cycle and second post test
second cycle is significance also
Key words: learning activity,
study result of accounting subject, the learning cycle model, classroom action
The field of education is one
of the very important field and needs a special
attention from all walks of life because education has a vital role to develop
the human resource that play a role in the formation of students to be assets
of the nation's expected to become productive human. This is in accordance with
the National Education Goal in the Act No. 20 chapter 3 in 2003.
To achieve a good education
quality certainly can not be separated from teaching and learning activity as
the main activity in the school. Maryono and Trisngati (2011) expressed that it
can not be denied that the teaching and learning process in the classroom
appeared tending to be passive, the learning is more focused on the teachers
and students still depend on the teachers, it can be seen from the tendencing
of most teachers which active in talking in front of the class so the students
get boring, sleepy and annoying the other students. Beside that, the choice and
utilisation of learning models is also has an important role because until now
there are many students that are less encouraged in studying because the
teachers use the traditional or convensional learning model.
In achieving the goals of
National Education and improving the quality of education, certainly the
teaching and learning process is quite determine which involve teachers and
students. Uno and Mohamad (2011:198) stated that “there are several factors
which influence the effectiveness of student’s learning, namely the internal
factors that consist of physiological aspects and psychological aspects”. In
the process of teaching and learning, the activeness of learners is very
important and should be noted by educators so that the learning process will be
completely obtaining the optimal results.
Based on the observation
conducted by the researcher in SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun, the researcher
has been obtained the information that the teaching and learning activities as
well as the study result of accounting subject tend to be low. The activities
of teacher still tend to dominate the learning activities so that students take
on the subject material from the teacher and waiting for an explanation from
the teacher without trying to look and find it by themselves by reading or
analysing, they lacked of courage in expressing their opinion, afraid to ask
teacher and friends about the subject material which they do not understand so
that there is no reciprocal reaction from students. Beside that, the teaching methods of teacher is
less creative and just occurred in one direction, namely is the conventional
methods or merely lecturing. That case proven by the data of students’s
accounting study result in 3rd Social
Science Grade 11th by the three daily tests, found that out of 32 students only 16
students (50%) on the first daily test, 14 students (43,8%) in the second daily
test and 12 students (37,5%) in the third daily test stated who achieve the
minimum completeness criteria set by the school namely 65
Cycle is one of the learning model
of student centered learning. Through some investigation conducted by the
researcher, this learning model is never implemented yet in SMA Negeri 2 Bandar
Simalungun especially in accounting subject. This learning model suggests
that the learning process can involve the students in active learning so that
there are process of assimilation, accommodation, and organization in the
cognitive structure of students. If construction process of knowledge occurs
well so learner will be able to increase their understanding to the topic
Based on the background of the above problems, the researcher have
identified some of the problems encountered are: (1) How the implementing of Learning Cycle model can enhance the
student’s learning activity in accounting subject in 3rd Social
Science Grade 11th in SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun? ; (2) How the
implementing of Learning Cycle model
can enhance the student’s study result in accounting subject in 3rd Social
Science Grade 11th in SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun? ; (3) How the
positive significant difference in result of activity and study intercycle? In this
case the researcher consult with teacher accounting concerned about the
implement of Learning Cycle model
accompanied with its application steps so that the teacher knows exactly what
it's Learning Cycle instructional
model that will be expected to increase the activity and student’s study
result. The result of this study is expected to add
the knowledge, reasoning, insight, ability to researcher in applying the
appropriate learning model to enhance the activity and study result of
accounting subject in 3rd Social Science Grade 11th in
SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun ; As an input to the school, especially for
teachers in applying the learning model and method that can be used to make
students active in learning of accounting subject in 3rd Social
Science Grade 11th in SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun ; As a
reference and input to academic community of Faculty of Economics, State
University of Medan and other parties in doing the similar study.
Learning Cycle is a learning model that consists of a series
of stages of activities organized in such a way so that the learners can master
and competent on the subject materials that must be achieved in the way of
learning with an active role. The
Learning Cycle,
originally created by Karplus & Thier and later modified by Roger Bybee for
the BSCS project, proposes that learning something new, or understanding something
familiar in greater depth, involves making sense of both our prior experience
and first-hand knowledge gained from new exploration (Saguaro, 2001).
Learning Cycle is one of learning model that based on the
constructivist paradigm. This learning model suggests that the learning process
can involve students in active learning so that there are process of
assimilation, accommodation, and organization in the cognitive structure of
students. If construction process of knowledge is occur with good so learner
will be able to increase their understanding to the topic that learned (Jannah
et al, 2012). Constructivism thinking assumes that anything constructed by the
learner becomes meaningful and compels him or her to form his or her own
perspective about learning through the individual systems and experience and to
find a relationship between the previous and the new knowledge (Zaitoon 2009;
Gordon and Mordechai 2009, in Qarareh, 2012).
Learning Cycle
is also a
learning model based on the learner (student centered). Student-centred
learning, as the term suggests, “is a method of learning or teaching that puts
the learner at the center” (MacHemer et al in Angele Attard et al, 2010). With
the application of an Student Centered Learning approach in higher education, there
is necessarily a shift in focus from academic teaching staff to the learners.
By applying learning model Learning Cycle, teacher can plan a cycle
of learning that could make students dared to express their opinions or ideas
without any fear, in addition it also can improve student’s cognitive abilities
adapted to the student prior knowledge.
Meanwhile Kusumaningsih (in Jannah and Azizah, Unesa Journal of
Chemical Education Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.17-24 Mei 2012) explained the phases
of 7E Learning
Cycle as below: “In elicit and engage phases, students are
given an apperception and motivation which can relate topic that will learned
with topic that has been learned previously and give them spirit to learn
actively. In explore phase, student are given the opportunity to utilize
the five senses as possible to interact with the environment through activities
such as experiment, analyzing the article, discussing and observing the natural
phenomenon, etc. From this activities, students are encouraged to do
assimilation causing an imbalance in their mental structure (cognitive
disequilibrium) and the emerging questions that lead to the development of high
level reasoning. The emergence of these questions as well as an indicator
student readiness to pursue the next phase. In explain phase is expected
emerge imbalance process between the new concepts learned through activities
that require reasoning power. This phase correspond with accommodation phase in
student’s mental function. In elaborate phase, students are invited to
apply their concept understanding through activities such as completing the
real problems that related with topic or doing experiments. Application of
concept can increase of the concept understanding and motivation to learn
because students know the real application of the concept that learned. In evaluate
phase, students are given several questions to know their understanding of
topic being learned. The last phase is extend. This phase can stimulate
the students to find the relationship of concept that learned with the other concept”.
Activity theorists claim that conscious learning and activity or performance
are interactive and interdependent, “we cannot act without thinking or think without
acting; they are the same” (Jonassen, 2000). The important distinction is that
in order to think and learn, it is necessary to act on some entity (physical,
mental, or social). Kalantzis
and Bill Cope (2012) said that learning activities, as the name suggests, are
“activities designed or deployed by the teacher to bring about, or create the
conditions for learning and also employing various learning activities and
other approaches to teaching relates to the pedagogical character or focal
intent of the activities selected.”
According to Sardiman (2011:100) learning activity consisted of two
aspects: (1) Mental activity is a willingness to be deployed and directed to
things that are active and mentally in order to obtain an optimal study result
namely: listening, observing, remembering, and spreading ; (2) Physical
activity is an activity that has a role is only member of body. Example, where
one learns by reading books, but perhaps the thoughts and attitudes are not
fixed on the books read. According to Kearsley and
Shneiderman (2003) stated "by engaged learning, we mean that all student
activities involve active cognitive processes such as creating,
problem-solving, reasoning, decision-making, and evaluation. In addition,
students are intrinsically motivated to learn due to the meaningful nature of
the learning environment and activities”.
According to Diedrich (in Sardiman 2008:101), the variety of
student activities that include physical activity and mental activity, it can
be classified as follows: (1) Visual activities, content: reading, watching
pictures, demonstrations, experimental work of others ; (2) Oral activities,
content: talking, formulate, asking the questions, giving advice, giving the
opinion, hold the interview, discussions, interruptions ; (3) Listening
activities, namely: listening, conversation, discussion, music, speech ; (4) Writing
activities, namely: writing stories, making the composition, reports,
questionnaires, copying ; (5) Drawing activities, namely: drawing, making
graphics, making the map, diagram (6) Motor activities, namely: conducting
experiments, making the construction, refit model, playing, gardening, farming
; (7) Mental activities, content: respond, remember, solve the problems,
analyze, see relationships, making the decisions ; (8) Emotional activities,
content: interested, bored, excited, passionate, courageous, quiet, nervous.
According to Kennedy (2006:4), “study
results are statements of what a student should know, understand or be able to
do at the end of a learning activity”. Adam (2004) expressed that :“Learning
result is a written statement of what the successful student/learner is
expected to be able to do at the end of the module/course unit, or
qualification. Learning results are concerned with the achievements of the
learner rather than the intentions of the teacher (expressed in the aims of a
module or course). They can take many forms and can be broad or narrow in
Accounting is one the subject
field in Senior High School. It is one of the very important lesson. Thus, it can
be concluded that the study result of accounting is the explicit description of
what students have gained trough the completeness process of teaching and
learning in accounting subject and shown through the numerical value from
results of evaluations conducted.
Based on the four relevant
researchs conducted before, then the implementation of Learning Cycle model is expected can enhance the student’s learning
activity and study result in accounting subject in 3rd Social
Science Program Grade 11th SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun.
The action hypothesis in this
research are: (1) The
implementing of Learning Cycle model
can enhance the student’s learning activity in accounting subject in 3rd Social
Science Grade 11th in SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun ; (2) The
implementing of Learning Cycle model
can enhance the student’s study result in accounting subject in 3rd Social
Science Grade 11th in SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun ; (3) There is
positive significant difference in result of learning activity and study result
This research will be conducted in SMA Negeri 2 Bandar
Simalungun Jln. Perdagangan Km. 35 Marihat Bandar – Kec. Bandar Kab. Simalungun
at Academic Year 2012/2013. The subject of this
research is the students in 3rdSocial Science Grade 11th
totaling 32 people. The object of this research is the implementation of Learning Cycle model to enhance the
student’s learning activity and study result of accounting. The type of this
research is CAR or Classroom Action Research which is consisted of four stages,
namely planning, action, observation and reflection.
To obtain the accurate data it should be made
the valid and reliable instrument. There are two types of data collection that
is used in conducting this study, namely the observations of student activities
in group by analyzing the activity of student in the learning process and giving
the test after the lesson.
The research instruments used to collect the
data in this study are the observation sheet. Observations conducted during the
learning process takes place. Observation aims to determine how the activity of
the students and also the teacher in the learning process takes place when Learning Cycle model applied. The
observation technique used by listing the observation sheet that has been
prepared. As well as observation sheet, there is also use the test to measure
the students’s study result after Learning
Cycle model implemented. Test that will be used is in form of objective
test which consist of five options those are a, b, c, d, and e in order that
taken the ability of accounting student’s study result after learning process.
Before the tests being tested, it will be done the trial of the validity of the
tests in the similar school (state school).
Data Analysis Techniques
The data that obtained will be in form of qualitative and
The technique of data analysis that will be used this study are:
Data Reduction
Data obtained from the tests is reduced and classified into several
categories and then organized in order to obtain the meaningful information By
correcting the students's test results then can be found the mistakes of the
students. Thus reduction of activities aims to see students's errors in solving
problems in accounting and the actions taken to improve the error.
Data Presentation
Data presentation done after the data reduction has done first. The
results of data reduction will be analyzed based on the minimum completeness
criteria namely 65 set by school. A student is declared to have achieved
competence when obtaining a score of 65 and the class is declared complete if
70% of the total number of students reached minimum completeness criteria set
by school.
Quantitative data analysis was calculated using two types of
assessment, namely assessment of averages and assessment of learning
Beside analyzing the completeness criteria, which also
analyzed is about the activity during the learning process by using percentage
of descriptive analysis in quantitative in exposure of student errors
answer, and then categorized in a classification very good; good; good enough; and
not good.
To know about the significance difference in result
intercycle, then it is held the t-test. If t count>
t table in level of significance 95% and α = 5% with dk = n1 + n2 - 2, then it
declares that learning activity and study result in 3rd
Social Science Grade 11th in SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun at
academic year 2012/2013 is significance, and conversely, if t count<
t table
then it declares that the learning activity and study result is not
Making the conclusion
The final stage is making the conclusion based on results of
data analysis. From the results of data, it will be taken the essence as the conclusions
and useful in planning the improvement of learning after conducting the study.
This research consisted of two cycles in which the first
cycle performed in two times and in the first meeting there were pretest. In
the second cycle there were two meetings where in the end of each cycle was
held post test to determine the changes that occur.
Based on the result of
a trial conducted by researchers at SMA Negeri 1 Bandar Simalungun then
obtained from the 40 items that tested to the students, totaling to 35 people
then showed that only 30 items have valid and being used in research to test
the student’s study result conducted by researcher to get the data.
Analyzing the results of Learning
The results of the observation of
the students during the learning activities taken place with the implementation
of Learning Cycle model had enhanced
or increased from cycle I to cycle II, it can be seen in Appendix, the data
obtained from the observation sheet of student’s learning activities. There are
four aspects to be assessed. They were visual activities (reading the result of the subject material
that had been learned and giving attention on the worksheets), oral
activities (conversation, asking the
questions, giving advice, giving the opinion, discussions and interruptions), listening activity (listen to the teacher’s
explanation and the presentation of the other students), writing activities (making the report and summary of the subject
material that had been learned). All of six aspects was given a score
and assessment criteria.
Filled the learning activity in observation sheets done
twice during the Implementation of Learning
Cycle model in the first and second cycle. The results of learning
activities in the first and second cycle can be seen in the following table:
Table 4.1
Results of Student’s Learning Activity
Level of Student’s Learning Activity
Very good
Good enough
Not good
First cycle
8 People (25%)
17 People (53.1%)
7 People (21.9%)
Second cycle
10 People
17 People (53.1%)
5 People
detail can be seen through the image chart below:
Figure 4.1
Chart of Student’s Learning Activity
Chart of Student’s Learning Activity

Based on the analysis of student
learning activities can be known, that the percentage of student learning
activity in the first cycle is 0 (0%) people in very good learning activity category,
8 people (25%) good category, 17 people (53.1%) good enough category, and 7
people (21.9%) in not good category. Based on these data, the activity of the
students still not achieve the completeness study standard so it will be
continued to the second cycle with the material subject namely statement of
capital change and balance sheet. During the learning process that had been
taken place on the second cycle, the researcher noticed students' learning
activities and students were given at the end of the meeting posttest to
measure student’s completeness study of the material and the result is there
were an enhaning in the second cycle namely up to 10 people (31.3%) very good
activity category, 17 people (53.1%) good category, 5 people (15.6%) good
enough category, 0 people (0 %) not good category. Then, it can be concluded
that the activity in the second cycle had improved and enhanced from cycle I.
From the results above it can be seen that the student’s
learning activities significantly enhanced from cycle I to cycle II. The
results of the observations and the results of learning activities during the
implementation of Learning Cycle model
had been enhance from cycle I to cycle II. It is proven from the activity of
students in the learning process has lead to active learning better. Students had
been able to build a partnership with their friends in discussion, pay more
attention to each presentation of another students, able to listen to the opinions
and referrals and able to write the summary of the subject material learned
namely the financial statement.
Calculating and Analyzing the Study
Data from
the study result that had been reduced would be used to calculate the
completeness both individuals and classical. Based on the minimum completeness
criteria established by school, a student is declared finished studying or
reaching the competency that taught if the student get scored 65.
In the first cycle the class had not yet reached the classical
completeness because only 20 students or 62.5% of students who have completed
or competent whereas the declared class to achieve completeness if 70% of the
total reaches get the value ≥ 70%. From the analysis of research data, the
study result gained during the teaching and learning process can be seen in the
following table:
Table 4.2
Student’s Study Result
Kind of test
Not competent
Number of students
Number of students
Pre test
18. 8 %
Posttest (first cycle)
62.5 %
(second cycle)
detail can be seen through the image chart below:
Figure 4.2
Chart of student’s Study Result
Chart of student’s Study Result

The picture above shows that in the pre test there are 6
person (18.8%) students who completed, whereas in the first cycle there are 20
people (62.5%) of students who completed study, the second cycle the number of
students who completed are 26 (81.3% ). This is shows that there are an
enhancing from the pre test up to post
test in second cycle so that it can be concluded that student’s study result through
the implementation of Learning Cycle model
tends to enhance.
Analyzing the Difference in Result
To find out the enhancing between the learning activity
intercycle or from first up to second cycle and the study result of the first
up to second cycle it can be used with the t test. From the calculation gained
the average of study result ( x )
in post test at first
cycle 66.218 with standard deviation 21 and the average of study result (x )
in post test in
second cycle 80.156 with standard deviation 14.7, next in the calculation of
study result average in post test at first and second used the t-test, and
based on the calculation it was gained the combination standard deviation 18.1.


The calculation of average learning activity (x )
in first cycle namely
49.281 with standard deviation 15.5 and the average of learning activity (x )
in second cycle 68.937
with standard deviation 15.1, and for calculation the average of learning
activity in posttest in first and second cycle namely used t-test, so based on
the calculation gained the combination of standard deviation 15,4. The
result of t count and t table as follow:


Table 4.3
The Result of t-test
Study result
The calculation gained
tcount = 3.09. The calculation ttable =2.00. By comparing
the tcount and ttabel gained tcount>ttable
namely 3.09>2.00. Thus study result of accounting in first post test
at first cycle and second post test in second cycle is significance. The
calculation ttabel for learning activity is 5.09. By comparing the tcount
and ttable gained tcount>ttabel namely
5.09>2.00. So that the learning activity in first post test at first cycle
and second post test second cycle is significance.
After the planning time was fixed then the reseacrher back
again to develope the lesson plan which is consisted of the development of the
observation sheet and the test that would be tested to the students. The
researcher made a small discussion with two accounting teachers in SMA Negeri 2
Bandar Simalungun about the development of the evaluation before the test to be
validity tested. From the discussion the researcher decided to test as much as
40 items that would be tested in the similar school.
Action is the stage of the implementation of planning that
has been made namely the teacher play a role as a teacher to apply the learning
model of Learning Cycle model in the
material subject about preparing
the financial statements of service companies. The researcher also observed and record all activities
undertaken during the learning process in accordance with the observation of
student activity. In this first cycle the research conducted as much as two
meetings. At the initial of research in the first cycle there were gave the pre
test to determine the extent of student’s understanding of the material to be
studied and end with the giving the post test to determine the changes that
occur. If the result of study under the minimum completeness criteria namely
65, then the student not competent yet and if 70% of the total number of
students in the class not reached the value 65 so the classical completeness
not been gained yet, so it must been continued to the next cycle.
Observation activities carried out during the process of
implementing the Learning Cycle
model. Observer or researcher was helped by the accounting teacher to observe
the student also. Observer did the observation and monitor the learning activities
of students based on the observation sheet which had been made before. From the
observation conducted by the researcher as the observer, it can be concluded
that there were most of students still felt strange of the learning model
Based on the analysis it can be concluded that the acquisition
value of the first cycle did not reach the minimum completeness criteria in the
classical namely 70% of students have gained ≥ 65 because of there are only
62,5% of students who reach the
completeness. It was caused due to several factors, one of which was because
students had not been able to adapt to a new learning model applied. Besides, due
to the low activity of student in the learning process based on the observation
sheet. It is also proven from the discussions among the students, there were
many students who did not played an active role in the discussions and looked
not looked good cooperation among the group members. To overcome these problems
it need to proceed to the next cycle.
In the second cycle, there were also two meetings where the
material being taught was about the preparation of
capital change statement and the elements of it. Based on the reflection of the first cycle, the researcher
designed the steps that would be held on the second cycle by paying attention
for the weaknesses in first cycle namely the student had not been able to adapt
the Learning Cycle model that was applied, also the low activity of
student in the learning process as seen from the discussions among the
students, that there were still many students who did not play an actively in
the discussions and had not seen good cooperation between group members.
The action on the
second cycle conducted similarly with the first cycle, the steps and also
coducted in two meetings on Monday and Tuesday in the same time. The difference
was in the subject material and also the extra action to get students more
active in the classroom when the applying of the learning model took place.
Because of the changes that had been made students were more
active in following subjects as well as done the quize. More conducive in learning
environment and students’s sense of responsibility towards their duties
enhanced. The student’s activity enhanced. From the observation that had been
conducted it could be seen from the seriousness of the students of listening to
the teacher explanation and the the other students when they presented the
subject material in front of the class, able and courageous in arguing, and
when discussions run, the cooperation and sharing among smart students and the
students who were less familiar with the subject matter had occured.
The results of the observation of student activity during
the learning process by implementing Learning
Cycle model from the first cycle up to the second cycle, students were more
enthusiastic about learning and given a good response. The improvement of
student’s learning activities is in line with the study result of students in
the second cycle. Thus it can be concluded that the implementation of Learning Cycle model can improve the student’s learning activities and study
result in accounting subject in 3rd Social Science Grade 11th
in SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun with the basic competency “preparing the financial statements of service companies”.
From the data and data
analysis of research it can be concluded that: First,
applying the implementation of Learning
Cycle model
based on the observation results obtained that in the second cycle can enhance
the student’s learning activity. It is proven that there occured
the enhancing of student’s learning activity from 0 (0%) people in very good learning
activity category, 8 people (25%) are good category, 17 people (53.1%) are good
enough category, and 7 people (21.9%) enhanced being 10 people (31.3%) in very
good activity category, 17 people (53.1%) in good category, 5 people (15.6%) in
good enough category, 0 people (0 %) in not good category.
It is declared that there is a positive enhancing between first cycle up to
second cycle. Second, by applying the
implementation of Learning Cycle
model proves that there had been occured the enhancing of student’s accounting
study result. It is seen from the pre test that got with the average value is 48.41, and in
the first post test enhanced 17.79 point being 66.2.
Because it still not reached the average of classical completeness yet, it was
necessary to continue to the second cycle. In second cycle the average have enhanced 14 point to the
average value being 80.2. Third,
calculation gained tcount = 3.09. The calculation ttable
=2.00. By comparing the tcount and ttable gained tcount>ttable
namely 3.09>2.00. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a positive significant difference in
study result intercycle. Fourth,
the calculation ttable for learning activity is 5.09. The
calculation ttable =2.00. By comparing the tcount and ttable
gained tcount>ttable yaitu 5.09>2.00. Thus, it can
be concluded that there is
significant difference in learning activity intercycle
Based on the conclusion above, it is
suggested several points that contents: (1) Especially for teachers of
accounting subject in order to use the Learning Cycle model as a variation of
learning model in teaching and learning process mainly for basic competence on preparing the financial statements of service
companies ; (2) If the teachers want to use this model, the
division should be submitted to the student group itself, so students can
participate more actively and discuss within the group they made, so the more
familiar groups both inside and outside the group ; (3) For further research, researchers
may use the same title but with a longer time with wider sources and different
strategies as a comparative study of the field of study especially on
accounting subject.
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